Hello, I'm a front-end web developer based in Austin, Texas!
Work and Projects
I'm self-taught, extremely passionate about learning new technologies, and constantly growing my web development skills. My current focus is the Javascript ecosystem, in which I have about five years experience. I love solving problems and creating cool things with tech I've learned.
On the web
I built my first computer in 2018, then started picking up HTML, CSS, and Javascript and joined GitHub. I quickly saw the power and beauty of Javascript and gained the desire to learn as much as possible. The methods I use to learn software, coding, and development/programming principles are reading documentation, building projects, and studying articles and tutorials/courses by experienced developers such as
Dave Gray
Shaun Pelling
Akshay Saini
John Smilga
Tomas Weibenfalk
Brad Traversy
I ♥
Learning, coffee, history, working on Subarus